Le maître và en France pour l’etranger

Hello visitor,
I detected that you are not accepting Italian language with your browser. This could mean that you are not Italian, so you could have problem reading this blog. For this reason this site has an automatic translator on the top right corner, you can try to get a translation with that, hoping that you could understand what I wrote.

Moreover The Master is working on releasing a podcast version of this blog. Podcasts will be intended for English people who comes here, as far as I am comprehensible by English people :P, and they are either new versions of the written posts (NOT a translation of the post, but an explanation of the same concepts), or brand new posts available only in English.

Take care: MY ENGLISH IS NOT PERFECT, but I am working for you! 🙂
The podcast version of this blog is available at the following links:

iTunes podcast page
Direct podcast feed

Best regards,
— The Master

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